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Self Defence Training in Schools

The Benefits of Self-Defence Training in Schools

We all want the best for our children. Their safety is at the top of this list – which is why self-defence training is a critical component of EVERY child’s education. In addition to improving a child’s safety, there are several other benefits of good quality self-defence training.

They are as follows:

✓ Life Skills.
✓ Confidence and Personal Security Awareness.
✓ Improved Attendance.
✓ Reduced bullying.
✓ Mental Resilience.
✓ Improved exam results.
✓ Health and Safety compliance and Duty of Care.
✓ Real life empowerment and resilience.

Self Defence in my School

If you understand the threat to the pupils in your school and you would like the best training to minimise the risk to them, it couldn’t be easier.

We provide two courses for schools:

The Stand Strong Course for 11-13 year olds

This is a defensively orientated course that teaches younger children how to avoid getting into trouble and how to escape from being grabbed. At the same time the risks of using physical force are highlighted to them as they being to become more independent. This is delivered without being scary or alarmist.

The Intelligent Self-Protection Course for School Leavers.

This course is for children close the end of their school careers (16-18 years old) who are embarking on Gap Years, University or Work Placements. This reality based course teaches a much wider set of techniques to prevail over the threats that are facing those stepping out into the wider world.

All we require is a gym, sports hall or similar location that can fit the group. For the Intelligent Self-Protection courses, we only need to borrow one standard gym mat per person; these are not required for the Stand Strong courses. We are also happy to provide training for teachers for INSET or other opportunities. 

Book a course now to start protecting your pupils.

Absolute Defence | Self Defence for Schools

I am a parent/pupil. How do I get self-defence training in my school?

As a parent or pupil, you are the focus of your school‘s existence. If you or your child want to learn how to protect yourselves, speak to other parents and children in the school and the school itself about booking an Absolute Defence Course. Please let us know that you are interested, and we will also engage with the school.

Find Out More

The Benefits of Self-Defence Training in Schools